Inside 01Interno 02Institute

Adjustments and changes former Institute Garbin

Inside 01

  • Year of completion:
  • Comune di Valdagno
    Province of Vicenza
  • Client:
    Province of Vicenza
  • Cost of the work:
    € 500,000

Description of work

Creation of new laboratories. Renovation of the bathrooms in the gym. Realization of structured cabling. Assorted sizes and fire prevention


Professional performance

Preliminary draft

Final design

Executive project

Coordinating project security

Implementing security coordination

Construction management

Measurements and accounts


The project in brief

Creating new computer laboratories, chemical and linguistic. Makeover in toto toilets gym. Structured cabling and fiber optic connection with building construction near the school building. Various building interventions, closing and electric. Redefining firefighting measures
